Alicia Kreijger
EXPERTISE : Intercultural communication & leadership.
STRENGTH: I'm a continuous learner.
WEAKNESS : None! Just kidding... Too many to be listed here, but my main strength helps me counterbalancing all this 😉
MOTTO : If it does not kill you, it makes you stronger.
IDEAL : To contribute creating genuine interest, sincere respect and meaningful connections between people.
MUSIC : Nina Simone, Yael Naim, Amy Whinehouse, Lhasa, Black Eyes Peas, Benabar, Stevie Wonder, Post-modern Jukebox, Billie Holiday and I could go on...
DREAM : Having more time off to travel the world with my family. Meet friends and family we have not seen for (too) long, make new ones. See my kids wonder about the beauties of the world and discover different cultures and people.
ROLE AT READY! : Build bridges, create self-awareness, understanding and respect.
WEBSITE : Alicia Kreijger